The EM Tutorial Day will be held on Monday 30th September 2024.
The UltraPath XXI Conference will be held on Tuesday 1st October - Friday 4th October, 2024.
The venue for both events is the Manly Pacific Hotel, Manly Beach, Sydney (
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Monday, 30th of September
08:30- 09:10Check-In for RegistrantsLevel 2, Gallery
09:10- 09:20EM Tutorial Day - Welcome (Mr John Brealey)Level 2, Lachlan & Macquarie Rooms
09:20- 09:35Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy (Mr John Brealey)
Introduction to Transmission Electron MicroscopyJ.K. Brealey1 (1Electron Microscopy Unit, Anatomical Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia)
09:35- 10:00Aspects of Quality in Diagnostic Electron Microscopy (Dr Sibel Erdogan Damgard & Ms Lisa Cummins)
10:00- 10:15Ultrastructure of the Cell (Dr Eric Wartchow)
10:15- 10:303D Spatial Considerations in a 2D TEM World (Dr Eric Wartchow)
10:30- 11:00Morning Tea & Group PhotoLevel 2, Gallery
11:00- 11:30Virology Specimen Preparation Techniques & Identification of Viruses & Look-Alikes (Dr Sara Miller)
EM of Viruses: Specimen Prep + Virus ID & ImpostersS.E. Miller1 (1Dept. of Pathology, Center for Electron Microscopy & Nanotechnology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA)
11:30- 12:00The Ultrastructure of Lung & Liver (Dr Eric Wartchow)
12:00- 12:30Low-kV STEM Imaging of Soft Tissues for Pathology (Dr Tzipi Cohen Hyams)
Low-kV STEM Imaging of Soft Tissues for PathologyT. Cohen Hyams1,2,3,B. McDonagh,M. van de Put,M.C. Killingsworth (1Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, Liverpool, Australia; 2South West Sydney Clinical Campuses, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia; 3Liverpool Clinical School, Western Sydney University (WSU), Sydney, Australia)
12:30- 13:30LunchLevel 2, Gallery
13:30- 14:00Normal Renal Ultrastructure & Common Markers of Renal Disease (Dr Bart Wagner)
Normal Renal Ultrastructure and Common Markers of Renal DiseaseB.E. Wagner1 (1Dept. Histopathology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK)
14:00- 14:30The Ultrastructure of Muscle & Nerve (Dr Eric Wartchow)
14:30- 15:00The Ultrastructure of Inflammatory Cells (Dr Bart Wagner)
The Ultrastructure of Inflammatory CellsB.E. Wagner1 (1Dept. Histopathology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK)
15:00- 15:30Afternoon TeaLevel 2, Gallery
15:30- 16:00The Ultrastructure of Cilia (Dr Eric Wartchow)
16:00- 16:30Storage Disorders & Electron Microscopy (Dr Eric Wartchow)
16:30- 16:45Do Chance or Luck Have a Role in Research Findings? Personal Research Experience (Dr Soheir Mansy)
Do Chance or Luck Have a Role in Research Findings? Personal Research ExperienceS.S. Mansy1 (1Electron Microscopy Research Department, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Giza, Egypt.)
16:45- 17:00Group Discussion, Closing Remarks
17:30- 19:30UltraPath XXI - Check-In for Registrants & Welcome Drinks (Sponsored by JEOL Australasia)Opera Bar, Sydney Opera House
Tuesday, 1st of October
08:30- 09:00Check-In for RegistrantsLevel 2, Gallery
09:00- 09:10UltraPath XXI Day 1 - Welcome (Mr John Brealey)Level 2, Lachlan & Macquarie Rooms
09:10- 09:40Ultrastructure of Heart in Health and Disease (Dr Bart Wagner)
The Ultrastructure of Heart in Health and DiseaseB.E. Wagner1 (1Dept. Histopathology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK)
09:40- 10:10Ultrastructural Changes in Genetic Cardiomyopathies (Dr Carolyn Glass)
10:30- 11:00Morning Tea & Group PhotoLevel 2, Gallery
11:00- 11:20Ciliary Diseases - Update on Molecular Pathology (Dr John Hicks) (chair: Dr Charles Chan)
11:20- 11:40Ciliary Diseases - The Clinical Evaluation (Dr Lucy Morgan)
11:40- 12:00Ciliary Diseases - Immunofluorescence-Based Workflow (Dr Ivan Canoy)
12:00- 12:30Ciliary Diseases - Update on Ultrastructural Guidelines (Dr Eric Wartchow, Dr John Hicks, Dr Charles Chan)
12:30- 13:30LunchLevel 2, Gallery
13:30- 13:45Pulmonary Case Study Involving a Surfactant Abnormality (Dr John Hicks) (chair: Pulmonary Session - Dr Victor Roggli)
13:45- 14:00Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis - An Unusual Case Study (Dr John Hicks)
14:00- 14:15A Case Study of Pulmonary Interstitial Glycogenosis (Mr John Brealey)
14:15- 14:30Pulmonary Case Study TBA (Dr Eric Wartchow)
14:30- 15:00Chronological Trends in Asbestos-Associated Diseases: Fiber Analysis of 1150 Cases Over Four Decades (Dr Victor Roggli)
Chronological Trends in Asbestos-Associated Diseases: Fiber Analysis of 1150 Cases Over Four DecadesV.L. Roggli1,J.M. Carney,S. Pina-Oviedo,C.H. Glass,T.A. Sporn,E.N. Pavlisko (1Dept. of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA)
15:00- 15:30Afternoon TeaLevel 2, Gallery
15:30- 16:00Ultrastructure of Corneal Disease: Case Vignettes (Mr John Brealey)
Ultrastructure of Corneal Disease: Case VignettesJ.K. Brealey1 (1Electron Microscopy Unit, Anatomical Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia)
Wednesday, 2nd of October
09:00- 09:10Announcements
09:10- 09:30Case Presentation - Cryofibrinogen-Associated Glomerulonephritis (Dr Grace Choung) (chair: Renal Session - Dr David Howell)
Cryofibrinogen-Associated GlomerulonephritisH.Y.G. Choung1 (1Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA)
09:30- 10:00Thrombotic Microangiopathy Update (Dr Anthony Chang)
Thrombotic Microangiopathy UpdateA. Chang1 (1University of Chicago Medical Center)
10:00- 10:30Pathology of C3 Glomerulopathy: an Update and Review with Focus on Ultrastructural Evaluation (Dr Jonathan Zuckerman)
Pathology of C3 Glomerulopathy: an Update and Review with Focus on Ultrastructural EvaluationJ.E. Zuckerman1 (1Dept. of Pathology and Lab Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles)
10:30- 11:00Morning TeaLevel 2, Gallery
11:00- 11:15An Introduction to Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance (MGRS) (Dr David Howell)
11:15- 11:45MGRS MonGRelS (Dr David Howell)
MGRS MonGRelSD.N. Howell1 (1Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA)
11:45- 12:00A Case of Lambda Light Chain Cast Nephropathy with Unusual Tubular Deposits (Mr John Brealey)
A Case of Lambda Light Chain Cast Nephropathy with Unusual Tubular Deposits J.K. Brealey1 (1Electron Microscopy Unit, Anatomical Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia)
12:00- 12:15A Case of Lipoprotein Glomerulopathy? (Mr John Brealey)
A Case of Lipoprotein Glomerulopathy?J.K. Brealey1,A. Nguyen-Hoang (1Electron Microscopy Unit, Anatomical Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia)
12:15- 12:30A Curious Case of Podocyte Infolding Glomerulopathy (Dr Giovanna Crisi)
12:30- 13:30LunchLevel 2, Gallery
13:30- 14:00Ultrastructure of Alpha-1 Anti-Trypsin Deficiency (Dr Eric Wartchow)
14:00- 14:15Trichodysplasia Spinulosa: A Case Report in a Paediatric Patient and Literature Review (Ms Stephanie Sampedro)
Trichodysplasia Spinulosa: A Case Report in a Paediatric Patient and Literature ReviewR. Padil,L. Zhang,A.G. Ming,R. Liu,C. Chan,R. Tsui,A. Moghimi,S. Sampedro3 (3Electron Microscopy Unit, Anatomical Pathology Department, NSW Health Pathology Concord Repatriation General Hospital, NSW, Australia)
Peripheral nerve: Myelin, compact, uncompact, widely spaced and anti-Myelin Associated Glycoprotein neuropathy.A. Charlton1 (1Dept. of Histopathology, LabPlus, Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand)
14:45- 15:15Afternoon TeaLevel 2, Gallery
15:15- 15:45Electron Microscopy Publications & Mis-Information During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review (Dr Sara Miller)
15:45- 16:15Rapid Electron Microscopy Protocols for the Examination of High-Consequence Viral Pathogens, Lessons Learned from Two Pandemics (Dr Jason Roberts)
Rapid Electron Microscopy Protocols for the Examination of High-Consequence Viral Pathogens, Lessons Learned from Two PandemicsJ.E. Mumford,J.D. Druce,B.R. Thorley,J.A. Roberts1,2 (1Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Royal Melbourne Hospital at the Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 2Dept. of Infectious Diseases, the University of Melbourne at the Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
16:15- 16:45Virology of Tropical Diseases (Dr Sara Miller)
Equatorial Viruses Equate to Trouble!S.E. Miller1,D.F. Ferreira (1Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA)
10:00- 10:30Autoimmune Podocytopathy - More Than Just Minimal Change (Dr Astrid Weins)
Autoimmune Podocytopathy - More Than Just Minimal ChangeA. Weins1 (1Dept. of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA)
10:30- 11:00Morning TeaLevel 2, Gallery
11:00- 11:30Recurrent & De Novo Disease in Renal Transplantation (Dr Giovanna Crisi)
11:30- 12:00Renal Transplant Pathology: An EM Potpourri (Dr David Howell)
Renal Transplant Pathology: An EM PotpourriD.N. Howell1 (1Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA)
12:00- 12:30Banff EM Working Group Update (Dr Candice Roufosse)
Electron Microscopy Working Group for the Banff Classification for Allograft Pathology: an UpdateC. Roufosse1 (1Clinical Reader in Kidney Pathology, Division of Immunology and Inflammation, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK)
12:30- 13:30LunchLevel 2, Gallery
13:30- 13:50Nemaline Rods: A Robust Entity Surviving Paraffin Reprocessing in Fetal Autopsy Muscle (Dr Al Makilan)
Nemaline Rods: A Robust Entity Surviving Paraffin Reprocessing in Fetal Autopsy MuscleA.G. Des Los Reys Makilan1,A. Charlton (1Dept. of Histopathology, LabPlus, Auckland Hospital, New Zealand)
13:50- 14:10An Unusual Pattern of Nemaline Myopathy (Mr John Brealey)
An Unusual Pattern of Nemaline MyopathyJ.K. Brealey1 (1Electron Microscopy Unit, Anatomical Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia)
14:10- 14:30Fatal Disseminated Anncaliia algerae Myositis Mimicking Polymyositis in an Immunocompromised Patient (Dr Fouzia Ziad)
Fatal Disseminated Anncaliia algerae Myositis Mimicking Polymyositis in an Immunocompromised PatientF. Ziad1 (1Waikato Hospital, Te Whatu Ora)
14:30- 15:00Afternoon TeaLevel 2, Gallery
16:00- 16:10For Delegates with Accommodation at Manly, Bus Departs Manly Pacific Hotel at 4pm for Taronga Zoo
09:10- 09:40A Standardised Method for the Ultrastructural Analysis of Platelet Diseases (Dr Dong Chen) (chair: Bart Wagner)
A Standardised Method for the Ultrastructural Analysis of Platelet DiseasesD. Chen1 (1Special Coagulation Laboratory and Electron Microscopy Core Facility, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA)
09:40- 10:10Diagnostic Electron Microscopy - Managing Quality (Dr Sibel Erdogan Damgard & Ms Lisa Cummins)
10:10- 10:30Diagnostic Renal Pathology in Rural & Remote Australia - the Compelling Need for a Cost-Effective Desktop Electron Microscope (Dr Murray Killingsworth)
Diagnostic Renal Pathology in Rural & Remote Australia - the Compelling Need for a Cost-Effective Desktop Electron MicroscopeM.C. Killingsworth1,2,3,4,T. Cohen Hyams (1NSW Health Pathology; 2Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research; 3University of NSW (Sydney); 4Western Sydney university)
10:30- 11:00Morning Tea
11:00- 11:15A Tribute to Dr Robert Erlandson: A True Giant & Champion in Ultrastructural Pathology (Dr John Hicks)
11:15- 11:30Spindle Cell Rhabdomyosarcomas that Mimic Infantile Fibrosarcoma and Benign Myofibroblastic Tumours in Children (Dr John Hicks)
11:30- 11:45A Brain Tumour with Cilia & Microvilli (Mr John Brealey)
A Brain Tumour with Cilia And MicrovilliJ.K. Brealey1 (1Electron Microscopy Unit, Anatomical Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia)
11:45- 12:00The Role of EM Evaluation of Needle Biopsies in the Management of Renal Tumours (Dr Charles Chan)
12:00- 12:30Detrusor Ultrastructural Study Predicts Long-Term Voiding Outcomes in Male Patients with Detrusor Underactivity Who Underwent Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) (Dr Lewis Chan)
Detrusor Ultrastructural Study Predicts Long-Term Voiding Outcomes in Male Patients with Detrusor Underactivity Who Underwent Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) A. Chung,V. Tse,S. Brammah,S. Sampedro,L. Chan1 (1Dept. of Urology, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Sydney, Australia)
12:30- 13:30Lunch
13:30- 14:00Pathogenetic Mechanisms & Personalized Therapeutic Approaches: What’s the Role of EM? (Dr Giovanna Cenacchi)
Pathogenetic Mechanisms & Personalized Therapeutic Approaches: What’s the Role of EMG. Cenacchi1 (1Dept. of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy)
14:00- 14:05Poster - Electron Microscopy as a Valuable Diagnostic Tool for Uncommon Kidney Diseases: Illustrative Examples (Ms Yan Fei Ng) (chair: Amanda Charlton)
Electron Microscopy as a Valuable Diagnostic Tool for Uncommon Kidney Diseases: Illustrative ExamplesY.F. Ng1,H.L. Low (1Dept. of Anatomical Pathology, Division of Pathology, Singapore General Hospital)
14:05- 14:10Poster - Development of Microwave-Assisted Thin Section Protocols for the Examination of Pathogens of Public Health Significance (Dr Jamie Mumford)
Development of Microwave-Assisted Thin Section Protocols for the Examination of Pathogens of Public Health SignificanceJ.E. Mumford1,J.D. Druce,B.R. Thorley,J.A. Roberts (1Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Royal Melbourne Hospital at the Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
14:10- 14:15Poster - The Continuing Need for Electron Microscopy in Diagnosing Pediatric Lung Biopsies: A 12-Year Retrospective Study (Dr Charesse Mae Yap)
The Continuing Need For Electron Microscopy In Diagnosing Pediatric Lung Biopsies: A 12-Year Retrospective StudyC.M. Yap1,H. Rosenberg,Y. Heng,R. Leung,R. Chami (1Division of Pathology, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada)
14:15- 14:20Poster - Characterizing the Distribution of LYVE-1+ Macrophages on Various Clinical Tissues (Dr Syaza Azhar)
Characterizing the Distribution of LYVE-1+ Macrophages on Various Clinical TissuesS. Hazwany1,H.Y. Lim,S.W. Tan,S.Y. Lim,O. Ang,V. Angeli (1Advanced Imaging and Histology Core, Immunology Program, Life Science Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
14:20- 14:25Poster - Laminin beta-2 is Localized at the Sites of Blood-Brain-Barrier and its Disruption is Associated with Increased Vascular Permeability (Dr Serguei Bannykh)
Laminin beta 2 is localized at the sites of Blood-Brain-Barrier and its disruption is associated with increased vascular permeability; histochemical and transcriptomic studyK.S. Bannykh,S.I. Bannykh1,A.C. Fuentes-Fayos,P.W. Linesch,J.J. Breunig (1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States.)
14:25- 14:30Poster - Electron Microscopic Morphometric Analysis of Hydroxychloroquine-Induced Lysosomal Accumulation in a Patient with Progressive Cardiomyopathy & Dysrhythmia (Dr Serguei Bannykh)
Electron microscopic (EM) morphometric analysis of hydroxychloroquine-induced lysosomal accumulation in a patient with progressive cardiomyopathy and dysrhythmiaS.I. Bannykh1,D. Teodorescu (1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States.)
14:30- 14:35Poster - Electron Microscopic Evidence of ER Stress in Purkinje Cells of a Patient with Type 6 Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Dr Serguei Bannykh)
Electron microscopic (EM) evidence of ER stress in Purkinje cells (PC) of a patient with Type 6 of Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CLN6)S.I. Bannykh1 (1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States.)
14:35- 14:40Poster - Electron Microscopic Characterization of Mice In Situ & Tissue Organoids Models of YAP1 & ZFTA1 Fusion-Associated Ependymomas Generated via Mosaic Analysis by Dual Recombinase-Mediated Cassette Exchange (MADR) Technology (Dr Serguei Bannykh)
Electron microscopic (EM) characterization of mice in situ and tissue organoids models of YAP1 and ZFTA1 fusion-associated ependymomas generated via mosaic analysis by dual recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (MADR) technology. S. Bannykh1,D. Leal,J. Breunig (1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States.)
14:40- 14:45Poster - Peripheral Microtubule Doublets Tilt: Questioning Normal Ciliary Ultrastructure in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) Patients (Dr Rosana Blanco-Manez)
Peripheral Microtubule Doublets Tilt: Questioning Normal Ciliary Ultrastructure in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) PatientsR. Blanco-Máñez1,L. Carretero-Vilarroig,T. Jaijo,C. Zac Romero,C. López Valdivia,N. Muñoz-Fernández,M. Armengot-Carceller (1La Fe Polytechnic and University Hospital, Pathology Department, Valencia, Spain)
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