Society Officers (2022-2024)
President: John K Brealey, BAppSci Department of Pathology SA Pathology | Past President: Giovanna M. Crisi, MD, PhD Department of Pathology UMMS-Baystate Medical Center |
President-Elect: Eric Wartchow, PhD Department of Pathology Children’s Hospital Colorado | Intermin Treasurer: Eric Wartchow, PhD Department of Pathology Children’s Hospital Colorado |
Secretary: Sara Pawlak, MS, CEMT Department of Pathology Yale School of Medicine | Historian: John Shelburne, MD, PhD Pathology and Laboratory Medicine VA Medical Center |
Awards Committee Chair: John Hicks, MD, PhD, DDS Department of Pathology Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine | Future Meetings Representative: Nicole van der Wel, PhD Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam |
Councilor for the Europeans: Giovanna Cenacchi, MD Dept. of Biomedical & Neuromotor Sciences Alma Mater University of Bologna, Italy and IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliera S. Orsola, Bologna, Italy | Councilor for Australia/Asia: Charles Chan, MB, BS, PhD, FRCPA Anatomical Pathology Concord Repatriation General Hospital Sydney, NSW, Australia |
Councilor for the Americas: Mikako Warren, MD Department of Pathology & Lab Med Children’s Hospital Los Angeles | Councilor for the Middle East/North Africa: Soheir Mansy, MBBCh, M.Sci, PhD Electron Microscopy Research Dept. (Pathology) Theodor Bilharz Research Institute Giza, Egypt |
A Brief History
Our society has a very unusual developmental history. Generally a group of like-minded individuals first gather themselves into a society, then start organizing conferences, and finally begin publishing a journal. We did things completely backwards. We started with the journal Ultrastructural Pathology (created by Jan Vincents Johannessen, Victor Gould and Jahn Nesland), from which we borrowed the subscriber list to advertise a conference, and from which then ultimately sprang the Society.
It all began in the Ship Tavern at The Brown Palace Hotel in Denver with the journal’s associate editor, Victor Gould, attempting to teach me all that might be known about the finer points of drinking Cognac. Being a slow learner the evening went long, and in a resultant diminished state of consciousness I unwittingly let slip an unguarded remark about there being a need for someone to organize a conference relating to diagnostic ultrastructural pathology. As those who knew Victor will attest, the man had an uncanny ability to push people into doing things that they really did not want to be doing. And so, in the summer of 1982, I ended up hosting a week-long conference in Aspen, Colorado.
This initial offering, entitled “Current Concepts in Ultrastructural Pathology: Diagnosis of Human Tumors” was presented as a structured course, with a faculty consisting of Hector Battifora, Robert Erlandson, Feroze Ghadially, Victor Gould, Jan Vincents Johannessen, Bruce Mackay, Gary Mierau and Hubert Wolfe. This turned out to be a delightful Woodstockian sort of event, where people from distant parts of the world who had previously only known of each other came truly to know one another. We had so much fun, and learned so much from each other, that we wanted to do it again. And, so we did… two years later in Seattle, Washington with Sam Hammar and John Bolen this time serving as hosts. And then again, in 1986, in Ottawa, Ontario, where conference host Irv Dardick invited a group of us over to his home for a meal and to begin discussing the possibility of forming some sort of an organization. The memory that I retain most vividly of that evening is of the Bundt cake that was served by Irv’s wife Grace. I do seem to retain also some foggy recollection of us deciding then to form a “Diagnostic Ultrastructural Pathology Club.” And, being at the time in a state of hypercaloric stupor and unable to properly defend myself, I ended up being chosen to serve as its leader. The Club did however recover from this stumbling start and, with the more capable leadership of a succession of later presidents and other fine executive officers, went on eventually to evolve into the well run organization that it is today. In 1994, it became more formally organized and underwent incorporation with a name change to the Society for Ultrastructural Pathology. An affiliation with the USCAP followed soon thereafter, and an annual half-day Companion Meeting and poster display session has since been held in association with that organization’s spring meeting.
The distribution of a newsletter was initiated in 1986 and, with the creation of a website in 1996, switched from hardcopy to an electronic format.
At the 1988 Ultrapath conference in Ullensvang, Norway, hosted by Jan Vincents Johannessen and Jahn Nesland, the content of the program was broadened to include topics additional to neoplastic disease and the “…: Diagnosis of Human Tumors” dropped from the title of the biennial conference. Also, although its fundamental design was maintained, the program was at this time modified to enable non-faculty attendees to make some presentations. Developing from this arrangement, and persisting for a number of years thereafter, was a hybrid organizational scheme, wherein a recognized authority would make a formal presentation and then moderate a session of proffered presentations relating to the topic. Programs in more recent years have further evolved towards the standard format utilized by other pathology conferences, offering a generally eclectic mix of technically sophisticated proffered presentations serving principally the needs of experienced practitioners. The venues have been magnificent… Aspen, Seattle, Ottawa, Ullensvang, Park City, Jackson, Steamboat Springs, Oaxaca, Asheville, Florence, Aspen again, Barcelona, Rapid City, Aghia Pelaghia, Richmond, Regensburg, Asheville again, and now Lisbon. The next will be in Newport, Rhode Island. These offerings have, unfortunately, grown now to be too expensive to enable attendance by many existing and most potential new members.
Recognizing a need for programs aimed more toward addressing the needs and means of less experienced practitioners, a one-day session touching upon the fundamentals of diagnostic ultrastructural pathology was held in conjunction with the 2004 Ultrapath conference in Barcelona, and reprised here in Lisbon. Something of a return to the beginning was made in 2015, with the offering of a four-day structured course in Estes Park, Colorado, entitled “Ultrastructural Pathology101: Fundamentals of Diagnostic Electron Microscopy”. The future of the Society obviously lies with the continuing success of such endeavors in engaging new people and enlarging the membership.
The closing of a circle, perhaps symbolically heralding an opportunity for the Society to reinvent itself, has come with the recent transfer of the Journal’s management from Jan Vincents Johannessen and Jahn Nesland (following 35 years of dedicated service) to full control of the Society. A return to offering programs suited to the needs of less experienced practitioners has already been initiated. Will this be followed by a successful transfer of ownership to a younger generation, and the rebirth of an aging Society? A fresh history may be in the making… but this will happen only if we, the “old guard”, display the willingness and courage required to make it happen!
Gary Mierau, PhD
Department of Pathology
Children’s Hospital Colorado
Past Presidents of the Society
1986-1990 Gary Mierau
1990-1992 Irving Dardick
1992-1994 Elizabeth Hammond
1994-1996 G. Richard Dickersin
1996-1998 Bruce Mackay
1998-2000 Robert Erlandson
2000-2002 Marco Santucci
2002-2004 J. Allan Tucker
2004-2006 M. John Hicks
2006-2008 Josep Lloreta-Trull
2008-2010 Guillermo Herrera
2010-2012 David Howell
2012-2014 Victor Roggli
2014-2016 Sara Miller
2016 Antonio Pedro Alves de Matos
2016-2018 Sara Miller
2018-2022 Giovanna Crisi
Ultrapath Conference Venues
1982 Aspen, Colorado
1984 Seattle, Washington
1986 Ottawa, Ontario
1988 Ullensvang, Norway
1990 Park City, Utah
1992 Jackson, New Hampshire
1994 Steamboat Springs, Colorado
1996 Oaxaca, Mexico
1998 Asheville, North Carolina
2000 Florence, Italy
2002 Aspen, Colorado
2004 Barcelona, Spain
2006 Rapid City, South Dakota
2008 Aghia Pelaghia, Crete
2010 Richmond, Virginia
2012 Regensburg, Germany
2014 Asheville, North Carolina
2016 Lisbon, Portugal
2018 Newport, Rhode Island
2022 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bylaws of the
Society for Ultrastructural Pathology
Article 1 – Name
1.1 The Society for Ultrastructural Pathology (hereinafter referred to as “The Society”) is incorporated under the laws of the State of Alabama without capital stock and is not operated for profit. The incorporation date is December 15, 1994 in Jefferson County, Alabama, United States of America.
Article 2 – Purpose
2.1 The purpose of the Society will be to promote the art and science of clinical diagnostic electron microscopy. Its primary function will be to provide opportunities for intellectual and social interchange between active practitioners of this diagnostic specialty. The central focus of the Society will be upon electron microscopy, but considered to be within its purview as well are other special technologies that may come to impact upon or interplay with the use of this instrument in diagnostic applications.
Article 3 – Membership
3.1 Membership in the Society will be open to all interested individuals.
3.2 All members in good standing are eligible to hold office, serve on committees and vote at business meetings.
3.3 Cancellation of membership shall be made by virtue of a decision of the Executive Council on the grounds of non-payment of the annual dues for two successive years. Any member may resign membership by informing the Secretary in writing.
3.4 Former members wishing reinstatement must pay dues applicable to all years of lapsed membership. Reinstatement will be by two-thirds vote of the Executive Council.
3.5 Dues of The Society shall be determined by the Executive Council and shall be payable in advance.
Article 4 – Scientific Meetings
4.1 Scientific meetings are open to all interested persons and will take place no less frequently than at annual intervals. The date(s) will be determined by the Executive Council and the membership will be notified not less than six months before the meeting(s). An UltraPath Conference will be given biennially by the Society in even years.
4.2 Local arrangements for the scientific meetings will be the responsibility of the Local Organizing Committee appointed by the Executive Council. The Committee will liaise with the Society through its chair, who will attend meetings of the Executive Council.
Article 5 – Business Meetings
5.1 A biennial business meeting, open to all members, will take place following the biennial UltraPath Conference. The order of business shall be determined by the Executive Council and shall be conducted by the President of the Society in accordance with the Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised most recent version.
5.2 The agenda of the annual business meeting shall include:
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Secretary’s report
- Treasurer’s report
- Election of officers
- Reports on future meetings
- Any other business
5.3 The presence of a quorum for transaction of business by the Society shall be determined solely by the Secretary or by another officer appointed by the Secretary should the Secretary not be in attendance. Should the number of members fail to constitute a quorum, items of business may be submitted to the membership for voting by mail or electronic ballot.
5.4 All members present at the business meeting shall be entitled to one vote for each question called for vote. All questions except those concerning amendment of the Bylaws (Article 11) shall require a simple majority of the members voting.
Article 6 – Finances
6.1 The finances of the Society will come from membership dues and, at the discretion of the Executive Council, other sources that may become available. The membership dues will be paid annually, before the annual meeting, and the amount will be determined at the business meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Council.
6.2 The Executive Council shall have the authority to use the funds of the Society for the promotion of scientific interest in accordance with the purpose of the Society and for the business affairs of the Society.
6.3 The Treasurer shall submit a financial report to the Society at the Ultrapath business meetings.
Article 7 – The Executive Council
7.1 The Executive Council shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the three Regional Councilors: Councilor for the Americas, Councilor for Europe, and Councilor for Australasia. Other officials of the Society appointed by the Executive Council, including the chairs of the committees, may attend meetings of the Executive Council with voting privileges. Appropriate individuals may be invited to the Executive Council meetings at the discretion of its officers.
7.2 There shall be a Nominating Committee of three appointed by the Executive Council. The Nominating Committee shall be elected at the same time as the officers of the Society. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for preparing a slate of at least one candidate for each of the offices to be filled.
7.3 The officers of the Society shall be elected by the membership at the biennial general assembly UltraPath business meeting held in even years by a simple majority vote.
7.4 The officers of the Society will be elected for a single two-year term. The Secretary, Treasurer and the Regional Councilors may be elected for consecutive terms. The Executive Council shall be responsible for appointing committee chairs and other officials of the Society, such as an Historian. The terms of newly elected officers will commence at the end of the biennial UltraPath general assembly business meeting.
7.5 The Executive Council will meet at least once a year, usually on the day preceding the annual meeting of the Society and the UltraPath business meeting. The President and Secretary shall be responsible for convening Executive Council meetings and will prepare the agenda and compile the minutes of the Executive Council meeting and the annual business meeting.
7.6 The President of the Society shall be Chair of the Executive Council. An Executive Council Meeting may be called by the President or any two members of the Council as long as all members of the Council are notified. Four members of the Executive Council present shall constitute a quorum. A written record of all actions shall be maintained, and all decisions shall require assent of at least four of the Council Members.
7.7 The Executive Council shall manage the Society in the best interest of the Society, and in accordance with its purpose as expressed in the Bylaws. The Council shall plan scientific meetings, authorize the expenditure of Society funds, ratify the recommendations of the President and appoint the Chair and members of all Standing Committees and such ad hoc committees as needed. Council shall authorize publication of the Bylaws of The Society, Minutes of the Biennial Meeting, financial report of the Treasurer, and/or other publications as deemed necessary.
7.8 Any vacancy occurring in Council may be filled for the period remaining until the next Election by a simple majority of the remaining Council Members present and voting at the next regular or special Council Meeting.
Article 8 – Officers and Duties
8.1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of The Society; preside at all meetings of the Society and Executive Council; be a voting ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; appoint Chair and members of all committees in consultation with Executive Council unless otherwise specified by these Bylaws; may delegate certain duties in consultation with Executive Council; and perform such duties as usually pertain to the office. The President shall be responsible for the scientific program of the USCAP Companion meeting during his/her first year in office.
8.2 The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President if the President is unable to be present or perform the duties of the office. The President-Elect shall be an ex-officio member of all committees unless otherwise noted, and perform such other duties as may be delegated. The President-Elect shall be responsible for the scientific program of the United States Canadian Academy of Pathology Companion meeting during his/her second year in office. At the end of the President’s term of office, the President-Elect shall automatically assume the office of President.
8.3 The Past-President shall chair the Nominating Committee, be an ex-officio member of all committees unless otherwise noted, and perform such other duties as may be delegated.
8.4 The Secretary shall maintain the records of The Society, maintain minutes of all meetings of The Society and Executive Council, assist in the preparation of an Agenda, and perform such other duties as may be delegated.
8.5 The Treasurer shall oversee all transactions regarding monies of The Society, maintain accurate records of all monies and disbursements made on vouchers signed by the person responsible for incurring the expenditure, sign for disbursements and expenses specifically approved by the Executive Council, filing appropriate government forms as required by law, present a financial report at Society business meetings, and perform such other duties as may be delegated.
8.6 An Officer of the Society may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the remaining Council members, and may be reinstated or replaced by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council.
Article 9 – Nominations and Elections
9.1 Nominations shall be made by a Nominating Committee. This Committee shall consist of the Past-President as Chair and no more than two other current Executive Council members. The Chair shall recommend committee members to the Executive Council. This Committee shall present its nominations to the President prior to the Election at the biennial UltraPath business meeting. Additional nominations may be received from the membership at the time of the business meeting.
9.2 Elections of officers are held every even year at the UltraPath business meeting of The Society. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes [pleurality] is elected.
Article 10 – Appointed Officers and Committees
10.1 The President, with the approval of the Executive Council, can appoint officers to transact The Society’s business. The title and function of appointed officers shall be established by the Executive Council.
10.2 The Executive Council shall form such committees as it deems necessary or helpful in managing the affairs of The Society, and may empower such committees to discharge the function or functions assigned to it by the Council. The Executive Council shall appoint the chair of the committee from its own members or from the general membership of The Society. The committee chair may recommend other committee members to the Council for ratification. The committee chair may also invite individuals not currently members of The Society to serve on committees charged with determining the scientific programs of the Annual Meeting of the Society or the biennial UltraPath Meeting. Such individuals shall not serve as chair of the committee. Committee appointments take effect on the first day of the calendar year following their approval by the Executive Council.
10.3 The initial term of appointment of appointed officers, committee chairs and members will be determined by the Executive Council and will not exceed two years. Appointed officers, committee chairs and members may be reappointed for additional terms.
Article 11 – Amendments
11.1 Any member in good standing can propose amendments to the Bylaws at any time. Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary, and shall indicate the reason for the amendment and all remedies proposed.
11.2 All proposed amendments will be considered at the next scheduled meeting of the Executive Council, and at the discretion of the Executive Council will be approved or disapproved. If approved by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council present, the proposed amendments will be circulated to the membership at least one month before the next scheduled business meeting, and will be voted on at that business meeting.
11.3 The Bylaws of the Society can only be amended after the proposed changes have been approved by a two-thirds majority of the quorum membership voting on the amendments at an UltraPath Business Meeting.
11.4 A suspension of the Bylaws may be recommended by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council. A two-thirds majority of the quorum membership voting on the suspension at an UltraPath Business Meeting is required for passage.
Enacted: April 13, 1999
Last Revised: August 1, 2014